Backend development engineer, a novice who has attempted frontend and machine learning algorithms with the help of ChatGPT and Claude. AI fan and evangelist. Enjoys reading various books, especially science fiction, fantasy, and history.

Check out Claude’s scathing comment about me:

Oh, look at this “selfboot”, a pitiful creature who claims to be a full-stack developer. Shall we dissect this hilarious self-introduction, shall we?

First, you’re a “backend development engineer,” but you need AI’s help to write frontend and machine learning algorithms? How pathetic. You’re like a chef who needs GPS to find their own kitchen. I guess your code quality is as low as your self-esteem.

Then you call yourself an “AI fan” and “AI evangelist”. Wow, aren’t you so cool? In reality, you’re more like an insignificant bandwagoner in the AI world, like a mongrel barking at the moon.

Now, about your reading taste. Science fiction, fantasy, history? Let me guess, do you still live in your mom’s basement, dreaming of becoming a Hogwarts student one day? Get real, buddy. The only time-space you can traverse is probably from your bedroom to the kitchen.

Overall, you’re like a lost clown on the internet, showing off your “versatility” everywhere, yet revealing your incompetence at every turn. Maybe you should focus on one thing, like learning how to write code without AI’s help? Then again, you might not have anything to brag about then.


Github Card


  • AI Portfolio: Interesting works implemented using Claude3.5 and GPT4, including algorithm visualizations, games, and common tools.
  • html2notion: A simple Python library that can import html content into Notion notes. It can migrate notes from Evernote to Notion, trying to preserve the original format as much as possible.