Real Examples Showing How ChatGPT Can Make Things Up!

GPT-4, this outstanding representative of artificial intelligence, has already surpassed ordinary humans in many aspects. My daily life is increasingly dependent on ChatGPT, which has greatly improved my work efficiency. However, during use, I’ve found that ChatGPT still sometimes makes “naive” mistakes, like the occasional mischievous behavior of a growing child.

This article records some erroneous answers discovered during daily use of ChatGPT, like recording embarrassing moments in a child’s growth. When AI “grows up” one day, we can look back on these “childhood” embarrassing moments together.

Collection of ChatGPT's erroneous answers

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Troubleshooting HTTP Request Timeout Issues Caused by HTTP Headers

In actual business, we encountered a very strange problem: when service A accessed Go language service B through HTTP requests, a small portion of the requests would time out. Further analysis revealed that if a request timed out, its retry would definitely time out as well, indicating that for specific request content, the timeout was an inevitable problem. By checking the processing logs of service B, it was found that for timed-out requests, the processing time of the business logic was normal.

Initially, we used the process of elimination to analyze, gradually replacing suspected problematic modules, but we couldn’t locate the problem. Later, through packet capture, we analyzed the differences between normal packets and timeout packets, made reasonable guesses about the problematic parts, and verified them. We finally located that it was the Expect: 100-continue request HTTP header that caused the timeout here. The entire troubleshooting and fixing process encountered many pitfalls, which are recorded here for everyone’s reference.

WireShark packet capture of HTTP expect: 100-continue

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Dive into the ChatGPT Data Leak caused by Redis Bug

On March 20, 2023, OpenAI’s ChatGPT service was interrupted for a period of time. Subsequently, OpenAI published an announcement March 20 ChatGPT outage: Here’s what happened explaining the ins and outs of this incident. In the announcement, OpenAI detailed the scope of impact, remediation strategies, some technical details, and improvement measures for this incident, which is quite worth learning from.

The specific timeline of this incident handling is also publicly available on ChatGPT Web Interface Incident, as shown in the following image:

Overall timeline of ChatGPT fault repair

This fault was caused by a bug in Redis’s Python client, and there are discussions about this bug on Github. The fixing process of this bug was not smooth, with many discussions and fix attempts, such as Issue 2624, PR 2641, Issue 2665, PR 2695. After reading these, I still couldn’t fully understand the fix here, so I had to delve into the code to see what exactly happened with the bug’s cause and fixing process, and organize it into this article.

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