How to Bypass ChatGPT's Security Checks

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have made significant breakthroughs this year and are now playing important roles in many fields. As prompts serve as the medium for interaction between humans and large language models, they are also frequently mentioned. I’ve written several articles discussing best practices for prompts in ChatGPT, such as the first one: GPT4 Prompting Technique 1: Writing Clear Instructions.

However, as our understanding and use of these large language models deepen, new issues are beginning to surface. Today, we’ll explore one important issue: prompt attacks. Prompt attacks are a new type of attack method, including prompt injection, prompt leaking, and prompt jailbreaking. These attack methods may lead to models generating inappropriate content, leaking sensitive information, and more. In this blog post, I will introduce these attack methods in detail to help everyone gain a better understanding of the security of large language models.

ChatGPT Prompt Attacks

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Using eBPF BCC for Non-Intrusive Analysis of Function Execution Time

We all know that monitoring function execution time is crucial when developing and maintaining backend services. Through monitoring, we can promptly identify performance bottlenecks, optimize code, and ensure service stability and response speed. However, traditional methods often involve adding statistics to the code and reporting them, which, although effective, typically only target functions considered to be on the critical path.

Suppose at some point, we suddenly need to monitor the execution time of a function that wasn’t a focus of attention. In this case, modifying the code and redeploying the service can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. This is where eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and BCC (BPF Compiler Collection) come in handy. By using eBPF, we can dynamically insert probes to monitor function execution time without modifying code or redeploying services. This not only greatly simplifies the monitoring process but also reduces the impact on service performance.

In the following article, we will detail how to use eBPF BCC to analyze service function execution time non-intrusively, and demonstrate its powerful capabilities through practical examples.

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Redis Deadlock Problem Caused by Stream Data Read and Write (2)

In Redis Issue Analysis: “Deadlock” Problem Caused by Stream Data Read and Write (1), we successfully reproduced the bug mentioned in the Issue, observing that the Redis Server CPU spiked, unable to establish new connections, and existing connections couldn’t perform any read or write operations. With the help of powerful eBPF profile tools, we observed where the CPU time was mainly consumed. Now, let’s take a look at the debugging process and fix for this bug.

Debugging the bug

Considering that the Redis server process is still running, we can use GDB to attach to the process and set breakpoints to see the specific execution process. In the flame graph, we saw that the time-consuming handleClientsBlockedOnKey function contains a while loop statement. Since CPU spikes are usually caused by infinite loops, to verify if there’s an infinite loop in this while statement, we can set breakpoints at line 565 before the while loop and line 569 inside it, then continue multiple times to observe.

while((ln = listNext(&li))) {
client *receiver = listNodeValue(ln);
robj *o = lookupKeyReadWithFlags(rl->db, rl->key, LOOKUP_NOEFFECTS);

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