Redis Deadlock Problem Caused by Stream Data Read and Write (1)

In the Redis project, an issue named “[BUG] Deadlock with streams on redis 7.2” issue 12290 caught my attention. In this bug, the Redis server gets stuck in an infinite loop while processing specific client requests, which is extremely rare in a high-performance, high-reliability database system like Redis.

This issue is not just an ordinary bug report; it’s actually a learning process that deeply explores Redis’s internal mechanisms. From the discovery of the problem, to the detailed description of reproduction steps, to in-depth analysis of the issue, and finally to the proposal of solutions, each step is full of challenges and discoveries. Whether you’re a Redis user or a developer interested in the internal mechanisms of databases, I believe you can gain valuable insights from this issue.

Before we start investigating this bug, let’s briefly understand the background knowledge here: Redis’s stream data type.

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Undefined Behavior in C++

Now we need a program that reads an integer of type INT from the console (input is guaranteed to be INT) and then outputs its absolute value. You might write the following code with your eyes closed:

#include <iostream>

int main()
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::cout << abs(n) << std::endl;

Wait a minute, think carefully for two minutes, and then run the program with a few test cases. Have you found the problem in the program? Well, welcome to the world of Undefined Behavior.

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