Analysis of Coredump Caused by Missing Bazel Dependencies

Recently, I encountered a strange coredump problem in a project, and the troubleshooting process was not smooth. After continuous analysis, I found a reproducible step, and through reasonable guessing and careful verification, I finally located the cause.

C++ coredump Bazel dependency missing

Looking back, I found that this type of coredump problem is indeed rare and not easy to troubleshoot. It’s only possible when the project code compilation dependency management is not very reasonable. Additionally, during the review process, I gained a better understanding of the coredump and C++ object memory distribution here. So I’ve organized an article, and if there are any errors, please feel free to point them out.

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Why You Should Start Using AI as Soon as Possible

Many years from now, when people recall 2023, they might only remember it as the year ChatGPT and various large language models were born - the first year of artificial intelligence!

You must start using ChatGPT and other large language models as soon as possible

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Unexpected C++ String Modification Caused by COW (Copy-On-Write)

Recently, a colleague encountered a strange problem where in C++, after copying a string and modifying the copy’s content, the original value was also changed. For those not very familiar with C++, this seems a bit “spooky”. In this article, we’ll discuss this issue in depth, starting from a simple reproduction of the problem, to the underlying principles, and the changes in the C++ standard.

C++ string modification of copy affects original content

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